Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hello, all, it's JJ, from your three favorite blogs ever,,, and Yup, so instead of studying for my English test tomorrow, I'm here, creating another blog. Why? Because I'm bored out of my mind. In this blog, I will unleash my wasted creative thoughts by documenting the events of people (I haven't decided how many and since Basil and Mango are welcome to share their thoughts here as well, I'm just leaving it at people) who don't exist. Once again, why you may ask. Well, I'll tell you why. My mind is a spaz which enjoys creating alternate realities for when this one gets too boring or overwhelming or just plain annoying. And I figured, if maybe, just once, those alternate realities created something great, than maybe you'd enjoy reading about it. That, and I've got nothing better to do with my time. So enjoy, imaginary people!